Community in the Classroom #EDU223 #Community
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This week in EDU 223 we were tasked with finding a way to incorporate the outside community into our classroom, for the unit we are currently working on designing. Below you will find a link to what my unit is about, how the community will be incorporated into the unit and what standard we are hitting.
The positive side to doing an activity like the one that I am designing, where the students make museum exhibits, is that it gives them creative expression. I know most people that read that will argue that students get that in other projects they are given. However, it has been proven that students put more effort to make a project if they know that others besides their teacher/classmates are going to be viewing it. So by giving them a public audience for making museum exhibits it incentivizes them to do their very best work.
As far as meeting standards goes:
Standard # 1 Learner Development
The teacher understands how students learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
- 1(c) Collaborates with families, communities, colleagues and other professionals to promote learner growth and development.
Standard #2 Learning Differences
The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that allow each learner to reach his/her full potential.
- 2 (d) Brings multiple perspectives to the discussion of content, including attention to learners' personal, family, and community experiences and cultural norms.
- 2 (k) Knows how to access information about the values and norms of diverse cultures and communities and how to incorporate students' experiences, cultures, and community resources into instruction.
These two standards are being met allowing students freedom to choose their topic, project and from what point of view they are presenting it. The students will collaborate together to choose which event they are representing. The presentation is entirely up to them- allowing free creative reign to express in any sort of media, or physical project and presentation.
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